Transfer prices are prices at which two related parties transact with each other. These parties might be related financially or share the same key executives. Under tax legislation, transfer prices must be set on an arm’s length basis, i.e. equal to the price that would be contracted between two unrelated entities.

Typical related party transactions include, for example:

  • sale of intermediate products or finished products
  • provision of intangible assets (licensing)
  • sale or lease of real or movable property
  • provision of financing or funding
  • provision of guarantees and other forms of collateral



Appraisal services s. r. o.

Jozefská 17, 811 06 Bratislava
IČO: 36 858 072, DIČ: 2022610557
tel.: +421 232 202 500
e-mail: office[zavináč]


DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd